Patient Information Leaflets
Indlægsseddel Dansk (da)/ Patienteninformation Deutsch (de)/ Patient Information Leaflet English (en)/ Folleto de información para pacientes Español (es)/ Brochure d’information du patient Français (fr)/ Opuscolo informative per il paziente Italiano (it)/ Bijsluiter voor de patient Nederlands (nl)/ Informasjonshefte for pasienter Norsk (no)/ Ulotka informacyjna dla pacjentów Polski (pl)/ Folheto informativo para o doente Português (pt)/ Potilasesite Suomi (fi)/ Patientinformationsblad Svenska (sv)/ Φυλλάδιο πληροφοριών για τον ασθενή Ελληνικά (el)
Currently, there are no previous versions of the Ahmed ClearPath® Patient Information Leaflet.
Leták s informacemi pro pacienty Čeština (cs)/ Indlægsseddel Dansk (da)/ Patienteninformation Deutsch (de)/ Patient Information Leaflet English (en)/ Folleto de información para pacientes Español (es)/ Brochure d’information du patient Français (fr)/ Informacije za bolesnike Hrvatski (hr)/ Upplýsingablað sjúklings Íslenska (is)/ Opuscolo informativo per il paziente Italiano (it)/Informācijas lapa pacientiem Latviski (lv)/ Paciento informacinis lapelis Lietuvių (lt)/ Betegtájékoztató Magyar (hu)/ Bijsluiter voor de patient Nederlands (nl)/ Informasjonshefte for pasienter Norsk (no)/ Ulotka informacyjna dla pacjentów Polski (pl)/ Folheto informativo para o doente Português (pt)/ Prospect cu informații pentru pacient Română (ro)/ Informativni prospekt za bolnike Slovenščina (sl)/ Potilaan tietoesite Suomi (fi)/ Patientinformationsblad Svenska (sv)/ Φυλλάδιο πληροφοριών για τον ασθενή Ελληνικά (el)
Diagnosed with Glaucoma?
What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve, typically by increasing pressure in the eye. If left untreated, it can ultimately lead to a complete loss of eyesight.
Currently, there is no cure for glaucoma, but early diagnosis and management can potentially preserve your sight for a longer period of time.
What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve, typically by increasing pressure in the eye. If left untreated, it can ultimately lead to a complete loss of eyesight.
Currently, there is no cure for glaucoma, but early diagnosis and management can potentially preserve your sight for a longer period of time.
Who is at Risk?
Age is the most common risk factor.
If you are over the age of 50, it’s particularly important to have an annual eye exam.
Additional risk factors to consider:
- Family history
- Diabetes, high blood pressure, or sickle-cell anemia
- Naturally thin corneas
- Extreme vision problems unrelated to disease
- A history of eye injury or surgery
- Extended corticosteroid use
Glaucoma’s impact on vision
Over time, glaucoma can impact your sight by narrowing your field of vision. Regular checkups with your doctor can result in an early diagnosis, before vision impairment occurs.
Move the arrow to see how glaucoma could impact vision.

Glaucoma’s impact on vision
Over time, glaucoma can impact your sight by narrowing your field of vision. Regular checkups with your doctor can result in an early diagnosis, before vision impairment occurs.